Fast Fact: Each year, approximately 25% of the graduating class goes on to graduate school.
But that doesn’t mean that getting into grad school is a slam-dunk. Quite the contrary! Undergraduate students are up against not only their peers, but also nontraditional students who have been in the work force and are returning to school to enhance their skills.
That’s why, if you are interested in going to graduate school, you need to set yourself apart from the competition to stand out to graduate school admissions recruiters. In our office, Career Advisors suggest that students interested in graduate education make sure they start with these 7 tips. Each of these areas are crucial in setting clear expectations for yourself to not just get into graduate school, but succeed there.
Thoroughly research the schools that fit your area of concentration. That includes:
- Taking a look at the scope of their programs
- Investigating their requirements
- Finding out about financial aid options and processes
- Researching the courses that are offered
- Learning about the faculty members in the program
- Overall, getting a clear understanding of what this program entails.
Graduate school admissions recruiters (and those who serve as graduate school liaisons for departments) want to see that you are genuinely interested in attending their institution, so learn all you can and make an informed decision about the schools you would like to attend.
Tammy Manka, associate director of graduate admissions at Marywood University, recommends scheduling a campus visit (or two). This allows students to get a better feel for a school beyond what is listed on the website or in marketing materials.
And while you are on-campus, ask plenty of questions.
“Ask for a meeting within the department you’re interested in. Research the area where the school is located. Is it a place you can see yourself living for two-plus years? And ask to speak to an alum, if possible,” she suggests.
In addition, “Be sure you have a good understanding of what the program offers that you’re looking for, and what you’re looking for that it doesn’t offer,” says Ellen Driscoll, associate director of graduate admission at Suffolk University in Boston. “Be realistic. Given what you know about the program, be honest with yourself about your appropriateness as a candidate.”
Once you’ve done your homework and narrowed down your choice of schools, make sure you have your materials together before you start applying. Every school is different, and you may not have to send the same packet of information to each one.
Do the schools require scores from standardized tests like the GRE, MCAT, or GMAT? Give yourself plenty of time to take (and retake, if necessary) the required tests.
Do you need to provide a writing sample? If so, carefully craft your sample.
“We look for quality as well as content,” Manka says. “We want to see that the applicant can write at a grad school level. Think about what you’re writing.”
Do you need a list of references? Lisa Palacios, director of student recruitment at the University of Texas – San Antonio, recommends putting together a packet of information for references—a school brochure, information about the program you’re applying for, and a copy of your resume so they can refer to it if necessary. Your references are vouching for your academic performance as well as professionalism, so give them the tools they need to write you a glowing referral.
Graduate schools have firm deadlines that they expect applicants to meet. These deadlines are in place for a number of reasons, not least of which is financial aid. Make sure you give yourself enough time to complete in-depth documents like the FAFSA (Free Application for Student Aid) or any other financial paperwork.
Keep track of necessary deadlines. Set them up in your calendar through your primary email or on your phone. Set up reminders to give yourself enough time to collect and complete all of the materials necessary for your application. Don’t leave everything until the last minute. If you do, there is a greater chance that you will miss something important or find that your submitted materials are not as strong as they could’ve been if you had given yourself more time to prepare them.
It sounds simple, but Driscoll recommends applicants read directions carefully.
“Make sure you’re sending admissions materials to the appropriate place, that you have all materials in the form that the school requests, and that you have all of the credentials the school is asking for,” she says.
Manka echoes that, and says that one of her pet peeves as a graduate admissions representative is receiving poorly written application information. She receives materials riddled with spelling and grammatical errors, or addressed to the wrong school.
Double- and triple-check your application packets before mailing them out. Spellcheck your application and have someone proofread it—spellcheck doesn’t catch everything, and certainly won’t catch a missing word, misplaced comma, or garbled sentence. Finally, verify school addresses and check that you have addressed your materials to the appropriate contact person.
If the program allows it, reach out to the program director in advance of applying to show that you’re a serious candidate. This can also help you get a sense of whether you are a good fit for the program (and give the admissions staff a sense of how good a fit you are).
If your program requires standardized testing, prepare for the test. That might mean taking a formal prep course, if you’re so inclined. The big key here is to know what to expect and how the exam will be conducted and what will be assessed on it—don’t go in cold. You should also take the test well in advance of the deadline—early enough to allow you to retake it if necessary.
Maybe after reading all of these materials you decide you aren’t ready for graduate school. That’s completely fine too! Talk with a career advisor to clarify your reasons for attending graduate school and to identify the major that fits best with your goals.
The full article can be found courtesy of the National Association of Colleges and Employers.