Tips for Joining the Workforce as an LGBTQ+ Community Member

Are you a recent graduate or someone who is considering a career change? Joining the workforce or finding a new position can be a challenging time for anyone, but it can be incredibly daunting for those who identify as LGBTQ+. From the initial interview process to your onboarding experience and beyond, navigating this new chapter in your life can be overwhelming. This can be especially true if you have concerns about discrimination and harassment or how to respond to questions about your identity.

That’s why our office suggestions reading this piece by Javier Tuiran. Javier shares five valuable tips that will help you feel more confident and empowered as you begin your journey into the workforce as an LGBTQ+ individual. To read more about these tips, click here.

Big Takeaway: how and when you share aspects of your personal identity at work is up to you!

By Tiffany Medeiros
Tiffany Medeiros Assistant Director, Cooperative Education