Your resume should show a potential employer the most critical skills, experiences, and accomplishments you bring to the table as they relate to the job at hand. Using action verbs to start your bullet points helps you demonstrate these in a way that quickly captures your reader’s attention. Consider the difference between these two descriptions:
Passive voice: Sales were increased by 20%
Active voice: Increased sales by 20%
By starting with an action verb someone skimming will be more likely to recognize the accomplishment, even if they don’t capture the entire bullet point in their initial review. Further, you quickly demonstrate a relevant skill and take ownership of the accomplishment, whereas the bullet written in passive voice makes it unclear who is responsible for this.
The list of verbs below can be used in describing your responsibilities and accomplishments. If used appropriately, it can help you write in a focused manner.
accelerated | demonstrated | introduced | researched |
accomplished | designated | invented | reshaped |
achieved | designed | invested | resolved |
acquired | determined | investigated | restored |
activated | developed | launched | revamped |
adapted | devised | lectured | reviewed |
addressed | devoted | led | revised |
administered | directed | lightened | revitalized |
advanced | discharged | liquidated | revived |
advised | discovered | localized | saved |
allocated | displayed | made | scheduled |
analyzed | distributed | maintained | secured |
anticipated | diversified | managed | selected |
applied | documented | marketed | served |
appointed | doubled | measured | set up |
appraised | earned | mediated | settled |
approved | edited | minimized | shaped |
arranged | effected | mobilized | showed |
assembled | eliminated | modernized | simplified |
assessed | employed | modified | sold |
assisted | enforced | monitored | solved |
attained | engineered | motivated | specialized |
audited | established | navigated | specified |
augmented | estimated | negotiated | sponsored |
authorized | evaluated | obtained | staffed |
averted | examined | operated | standardized |
avoided | exceeded | ordered | started |
bought | executed | organized | stimulated |
briefed | exercised | originated | streamlined |
broadened | expanded | overcame | strengthened |
brought | expedited | overhauled | stretched |
built | extended | oversaw | structured |
calculated | extracted | participated | studied |
captured | facilitated | performed | suggested |
centralized | financed | persuaded | summarized |
chaired | forecasted | pinpointed | supervised |
clarified | formed | pioneered | supported |
collaborated | formulated | planned | surpassed |
combined | found | prepared | surveyed |
communicated | founded | presented | sustained |
completed | framed | prevented | synthesized |
comprised | fulfilled | processed | tailored |
conceived | generated | procured | taught |
concluded | guided | produced | terminated |
condensed | halved | programmed | tested |
conducted | handled | projected | tightened |
consolidated | headed | promoted | traded |
consulted | helped | proposed | trained |
consummated | hired | proved | transacted |
contacted | identified | provided | transferred |
contracted | improved | published | transformed |
contributed | improvised | purchased | translated |
controlled | inaugurated | reestablished | trimmed |
converted | increased | realized | tripled |
coordinated | influenced | recommended | uncovered |
corrected | informed | reconciled | undertook |
corresponded | initiated | recruited | unified |
counseled | inspected | redesigned | used |
created | inspired | reduced | utilized |
cultivated | installed | regulated | verified |
cut | instigated | reinforced | vitalized |
decentralized | instituted | rejected | volunteered |
decreased | instructed | related | widened |
defined | insured | renegotiated | withdrew |
delegated | integrated | reorganized | won |
delineated | interpreted | reported | worked |
delivered | interviewed | represented | wrote |